

Eco-cool Remodel Tool -承包商图形 Eco-cool Remodel Tool -承包商图形 回到Eco-Cool Remodel Tool house视图

Painting is an inexpensive way to creatively have an impact and change the look and feel of a space, without the larger investment needed for other types of remodeling projects. 传统的涂料, 涂料, 除漆剂和稀释剂, 然而, often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic compounds. VOCs are a variety of chemicals that evaporate into the air causing smog and irritation of the eyes, 鼻子, 喉咙, 和皮肤. VOCs on other compounds used in paints and 涂料 may have significant short- and long-term adverse health effects.

Fortunately, low-toxicity paint and coating options are easier than ever to find. 大多数大型油漆和涂料制造商, 本地和全国, now have lines of paints and 涂料 that have low amounts of regulated VOCs. These products are readily available in most hardware stores, paint stores and boutique green building suppliers. By selecting less toxic options and taking careful precautions, you can avoid compromising indoor air quality and your personal health.

In addition to the VOC content, look for paints and 涂料 that have GreenSeal-11 certification. For more information on choosing materials, check out the 绿色产品购买指南下载 500 K.






Low- or no-VOC interior paints and 涂料 for walls, doors, window casements and trim


Even with low VOC products follow good practices for ventilating during application.

Natural wall coloring products including clay, milk and lime paints

These are breathable, mold-resistant, hypo-allergenic and low-toxic

Some of these products are not as durable or forgiving as standard latex paints, so choose the right place for their use or consider a low-VOC sealer to add to the durability.


Low VOC, water-based stains and clear wood floor finishes

Less odor and irritation caused because water is used as a solvent instead of oil. Low VOC versions reduce emission of other respiratory irritants.

水基封口剂比油基封口剂需要更多的封口剂, but are less irritating to apply and the space can be occupied much sooner after application.

Natural wood finish products made from waxes, oils, and plants

Natural products that take less energy and chemicals to produce. Avoids environmental impacts of urethanes and other synthetic binders used in water based sealers.

These products also take additional applications and more frequent reapplications. As a bonus it is very easy to touch up scratched or worn areas without refinishing.



Virtually eliminate toxic and irritating air pollutants.




  • 画画时打开窗户,打开风扇, and continue to ventilate the room or area after each coat of paint or coating/finish. Isolate other rooms from the area being worked on with closed doors or plastic sheeting. This protects your health and helps prevent other absorptive materials such as drywall, cabinetry or furnishings from retaining fumes to later remit. 不使用时将盖子盖在油漆上.
  • Consider what colors will best enhance natural daylighting. Use light colored paints and stains to help daylight bounce around a room and brighten the space. Natural daylight can reduce the amount of artificial electric lighting needed in a space.
  • 通过更好的规划减少浪费. Consider using paint lines that provide large wall swatches so you don’t have to buy sample quarts. 只买需要的东西. There are numerous planning tools to help you determine the right amount of paint for each job.
  • Properly dispose of excess and used paint and 涂料 to keep unused paint from impacting your home during storage. Latex paint and stains can safely be put in your garbage at home, as long as the paint is dry or solidified first and the lid is off. Stains, spray paint and oil-based paints must be disposed of at a household hazardous waste site.

